Did you know that 1 out of 2 people fail to give their opinion during a meeting?
Discover Klaxoon
Now you might think that having around 50% participation is enough for an efficient exchange of ideas.
Well, it isn't. Engaging all participants in meetings and workshops is simply too crucial to neglect.
Why so?
You get more value out of your projects.
Need to solve a problem? Make a decision? Everyone's opinion is valuable. The more ideas are shared collectively, the higher the chance you will find the correct solution together.

Your team is more committed and motivated.
In a traditional meeting, it's estimated that 70% of the time, participants are not listening and use the time to answer emails and complete other tasks unrelated to the meeting at hand. By involving them throughout the entire process you'll be able to leverage their commitment while keeping them motivated and engaged.

You facilitate the inclusion of each team member.
For those who have experienced it, lack of participation in meetings is often a source of frustration. Getting everyone to participate creates a richer, more collaborative discussion that allows teams to discover new insights.
So how do we go about ensuring that everyone participates? Is it really possible?
Yes, it is! Thanks to Klaxoon, thousands of teams have 100% participation in their meetings every day. Here are their tips.
Go for visual management.
“As soon as he's done talking, I'll go for it [...] argh, next time is the right time. [...] ok come on, it’s my cue.”
Have you ever noticed members on your team that would like to speak up but don't dare to? You can help them express themselves in different ways. By using a digital whiteboard in your meetings, you provide everyone the space to share their inputs. Everyone participates and you never lose an idea.
Organize the way you ask questions.
“Does anyone want to give their opinion? Anyone?” Silence.
To avoid this situation and make sure you gather all points of view, the key is to ask structured and practical questions. “Yes" or "Yes or No" questions, voting questions with a choice of 1 to 5 star rating, and word clouds... When answering a question is as easy as answering a text message, everyone participates. Everyone sees the group's answers and an overall trend emerges, which keeps everyone engaged and the discussion flowing.
Use facilitation methods that encourage everyone to express their ideas.
“I should have gone around the table, I should have asked Julie a question directly, I should have...”
Just because you initiated the meeting does not mean you have to be the superhero of the scene. There are proven methods for facilitating meetings, workshops, etc. that encourage all attendees to participate: icebreakers, retrospective, 1-2-4-all method, team synchro meeting… From now on, participants are no longer spectators, they are all actors!
If you want 100% participation
in your meetings...
Try Klaxoon for free
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already adopted by thousands of teams around the world
awarded all over the world